Tag Archives: Nikola Djurek

Staff Picks, October 2012

October Staff Picks have been selected. Take a look through a few of the favorites below, or peruse the complete list. Now on to the picks.

Volker picks the Atomic Age Pack by Leslie Cabarga, published by Font Bureau

“50s fridge fonts”

Mayene picks Brownstone Thin by Alejandro Paul of Sudtipos

“a lightweight, friendly set of characters with dainty alternates.”

Mark picks Typonine Stencil by Nikola Djurek of Typonine

“For making elegant looking occupy signage”

Typographic Countdown—13 Days Left ’til—Really?

Really. S means the new year’s less than two weeks away. The Phoenicians rendered their S-sounding letter (one of them) more like what became the Greek Sigma, Σ. It meant teeth. The Romans were the first to apply the curve to the letter bringing about the shape that’s become synonymous with S.
As mentioned previously, the long-s is not an f, and double-s is not a b.

Typonine Stencil by Nikola Djurek shows us what sophisticated stencil typography looks like.